Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


(31 customer reviews)


When I moved from Seattle back to New England I knew I'd be leaving one of the most technologically advanced and prosperous places on Earth. What I wasn't prepared for was how different life is in rural America. Vermont is beautiful. Land and homes are cheap. People...

The More Things Change – Part Two

The More Things Change – Part Two

If someone had told you 15 years ago that everyone who had a phone would also have their own global multimedia production facility, and their own channel to broadcast whatever they want to say to the world, it would have seemed far fetched. But that’s where we are....

The More Things Change…

The More Things Change…

You can probably finish that sentence. “The more things change, the more they stay the same” That phrase was written in 1849 by French Journalist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr. He was a newspaper journalist known for his sarcastic wit. Those catchy phrases were called...

I Did Fentanyl Yesterday

I Did Fentanyl Yesterday

You know, the drug that took out Prince and Tom Petty. It was routine surgery. For a Cataract. 20 minute outpatient procedure. I was initially a little concerned when the surgeon said they wouldn't put me under with general anesthesia. I assumed it's to save money....

I’ve Been Missing Broadcasting

I’ve Been Missing Broadcasting

I’ve Been Missing Broadcasting. But not for the reasons you may think. It’s not about wanting to be famous, or to make a pile of money. I miss the chance to say something about what’s going on, that I haven’t heard anyone else say. So much of what we watch and read...

Wag The Nose

Wag The Nose

Barbra Streisand speaks only for herself. Not all Democrats, or all women, or people with big noses. She has a right to her opinion. Some people agree with her. Some don’t. Donald Trump is making me gain weight. I start the day with liquids, but after the morning...

The Best Pizza in the World

The Best Pizza in the World

This is not up for discussion. It’s an indisputable fact. The legendary Pepe’s Pizza of New Haven, CT is the best in the world. Google it. I’m not alone. It’s famous world wide. Seriously it would be the only reason I can think of you’d want to even go to New Haven....

Boiling Maple Syrup in the Sugar Shack

Boiling Maple Syrup in the Sugar Shack

As I sit here writing this, I’ve been in the Sugar Shack boiling Maple Syrup for about 5 hours. Another Nor’easter is due to arrive Tuesday, possibly dumping another foot of snow in Southern Vermont. Thanks to additional taps and mostly ideal weather, it looks like...

Maple Syrup For Sale

Maple Syrup For Sale

** UPDATE.. My Vermont Maple Syrup is now available on my Blog, at  **

The ground has been mostly snow covered since last November. That’s the biggest difference between everyplace else we’ve lived and Vermont. In Connecticut, or Washington State, snow usually melts pretty quickly. Here in ski country, it’s really winter…

Draft: Huge Project

Draft: Huge Project

ow many of us have a huge project? Something that's on your to do list, that seems to stay there forever? I have such a project, and I'm finally getting started on it. It's The Bob Rivers Show. Over the last 25 years, we've interviewed a treasure...

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

Bob is joined by his sons Keith and Andrew Rivers, alongside longtime friend and radio sidekick Spike O’Neil. Together, they dive into stories of family, community, and courage as Keith [...]

Bob hosts a behind-the-scenes tour of his Vermont maple syrup operation as they prepare for their 10th season of production. Joined by author Steve Stockman and syrup maker Hank Prouty, [...]

Aloha from Honolulu! In this special episode, recorded from my birthplace in Hawaii, I catch up with my longtime friend, Spike O’Neill! (Recorded a couple days before Thanksgiving… just now [...]


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