Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


(31 customer reviews)
Alan White

Alan White

I first met Alan White in person about 25 years ago. But I first saw him in concert 44 years ago. I had been a Yes fan since high school. I saw them in the round on September 3rd or 4th of 1978 in New Haven Coliseum in Connecticut. Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Alan White & Rick Wakeman.

Two Weeks After Surgery

Two Weeks After Surgery

It’s pretty hard for me to be quiet or sit still. At all. Constant communication and constant motion have been the norm for so long. And even though I’ve just had major surgery I feel guilty. For the people I haven’t had time to thank or reach out to. For missing the podcast and my Saturday radio show with Ed and Zip. For not yet congratulating Spike on his enjoyable performance filling in on KIRO FM with Curley

Bi-Coastal. A New Beginning for Bob and Lisa

Bi-Coastal. A New Beginning for Bob and Lisa

Well it’s day five since my surgery. An Ivor Lewis esophageal resection performed by the head of thoracic surgery at Virginia Mason hospital here in Seattle. Esophageal Cancer, stage 3c. If you google this like I did when first diagnosed, you start to think about...

Recovery Ahead

Recovery Ahead

I had a nice chat with Lisa last night and I'm happy to pass on the good news of Bob's procedure and status! Actually, I heard the news from Bob himself, as she played a short voice recording. In essence, Bob said; The procedure went very well... I'm resting...

Gratitude For All Your Kind Words

Gratitude For All Your Kind Words

Lisa and I are in the air as I write this. On an Alaska flight to Seattle from Los Angeles, after spending this week with Keith and Leanne and our granddaughters, Hazel and Georgia. I’m glad I listened to Joe’s advice and shared what’s going on with my health to our...

Always Look on The Bright Side of Life

Always Look on The Bright Side of Life

If you’ve heard the latest Podcast episode, you know I’m taking a medical leave for a few months for health reasons. I’ve had my diagnosis, chemo and radiation, recovery, and surgery prep over the last 4 months. We didn’t talk about it on the show. It gave me something fun and normal to do with my friends

State of Play

State of Play

Greetings from Vermont.  Writing you a short blog tonight instead of our Bob and Zip Show podcast. We will miss our Wednesday episode, returning on Friday. Lisa and I just watched a movie on Netflix. Which is a bit unusual these days, as we typically binge watch...

About ‘You Gotta Wash Your Hands’ & Call to Action!!

About ‘You Gotta Wash Your Hands’ & Call to Action!!

We live in Vermont, where Lisa and I met before my radio career took off. It’s quiet. No traffic. We garden, make maple syrup, and fly to LA as often as we can to enjoy our grandchildren. Only not now. I saw an article the other day that said the Georgia Satellites...

Greetings Earthlings

Greetings Earthlings

The thing that strikes me about this moment in time is the opportunity that we all share. Yeah, a Pandemic sucks, and I would be lying to you if I pretended to know anything at all for sure about how it will turn out. Safe to say, not good. My brother likely has it....

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

Bob is joined by his sons Keith and Andrew Rivers, alongside longtime friend and radio sidekick Spike O’Neil. Together, they dive into stories of family, community, and courage as Keith [...]

Bob hosts a behind-the-scenes tour of his Vermont maple syrup operation as they prepare for their 10th season of production. Joined by author Steve Stockman and syrup maker Hank Prouty, [...]

Aloha from Honolulu! In this special episode, recorded from my birthplace in Hawaii, I catch up with my longtime friend, Spike O’Neill! (Recorded a couple days before Thanksgiving… just now [...]


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