Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


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All At Your Fingertips

All At Your Fingertips

When’s the last time you visited a public library? You know, the brick and mortar kind, in your local community? Maybe it’s been awhile, and maybe you’ve already guessed that I’m going to compare it to the internet. Do you have any idea why and for how long free...

Facebook In The Crosshairs – Part 2

Facebook In The Crosshairs – Part 2

About 5 years ago, while teaching at Green River College, I polled journalism students about where they get their news. Facebook was number one, handily beating all other media. And, since algorithms rule, any newspaper or TV show that wants subscribers or viewers...

Facebook In The Crosshairs – Part 1

Facebook In The Crosshairs – Part 1

If you want to know how the world works, don’t watch the news. Any of it. You see in a few decades we’ve gone from print, audio and video news media staffed locally, regionally, nationally, and even globally to just a handful of conglomerates. And most everything you...

The Amazon of it’s Day

The Amazon of it’s Day

Took a break from writing. Actually started several columns and trashed them - they weren't going to say anything you couldn't get elsewhere. And life is too short. I wish I could time travel ahead and read what history books will say about these times. Perhaps there...

It All Started with Cave Drawings and Smoke Signals

It All Started with Cave Drawings and Smoke Signals

How many people know what they want to do with their life at age 5? I did. That's when my grandfather gave me a transistor radio. Billions of these devices were sold, in the 60's and 70's. If you believe the Smithsonian, the transistor was as much a communication game...

American Man

American Man

Lisa and I drove a nearly 400 mile round trip yesterday, so we could watch my brother Rich play guitar for 45 minutes with a country band. Tom Dobson is a young country artist from Connecticut with his first album out on an independent label. He was the opening act...

Blink of an Eye

Blink of an Eye

It's been an interesting week. From Central Vermont, you can be anywhere in New England if you're willing to drive a few hours. Montreal and Boston are both day trips. After following the Yes tour through 2 states, we settled in at home for only a day before heading...

The Power of Yes

The Power of Yes

We were in Boston Tuesday night at the Wilbur Theater, where Yes played a nearly 3-hour concert set to a packed house. Standing ovation. I'll be honest, the Wilbur Theater is a bit run down and the acoustics were a bit wonky, which I hate. But what a band. As tight,...

How Dare They?

How Dare They?

We interrupt this program. In this day and age of infinite channels, of smartphone alerts, why interrupt any program? If there's a true emergency, such as a devastating tornado headed for my town, or worse, an asteroid is about to destroy the Earth and there's nothing...

My Summer Vacation

My Summer Vacation

What if the only human interactions that really matter are your "in person" relationships? I know. I'm writing a blog. I get the irony. But every time I unplug these days and have good times with regular analog people, it feels like a better choice than posting...

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

A random email from a Twisted Tunes fan a few years ago has evolved into a personal friendship with one of the most interesting, entertaining, and intelligent people I have [...]

Bob Rivers and Steve Stockman dig in with a very interesting scientist. Dan Ariely is a Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. has been one of our [...]

If you love The Grateful Dead, Cannabis, and Psychedelic experiences, you should enjoy Bob, Ed, and Andrew talking about what may be the Greatest Concert On Earth. I talked my [...]


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