The thing that strikes me about this moment in time is the opportunity that we all share.
Yeah, a Pandemic sucks, and I would be lying to you if I pretended to know anything at all for sure about how it will turn out. Safe to say, not good.
My brother likely has it. Can’t get tested.
And so many numbers are thrown about that you either choose what you want to believe, or admit we don’t know enough yet, and pray that science can get us out of this mess.
Things around here sure have changed in just a few weeks… You know things aren’t the same when 75 million of us (more by the time you read this) are on lock down, schools are out, all sports cancelled, and the entire government is scrambling to provide free health care.
When I said “us” I meant the USA, of course. There are actually 7.7 billion human beings on this planet. And we are all in the same boat, so to speak.
Do you think this awful virus, could in some way, teach us a lesson? We have been globally interdependent and connected for some time now. Yet we, as a species, can’t seem to shake our tribal instincts. We’re all the same, as anyone with empathy who’s travelled will tell you… but we treat others as if they are less, just because they live somewhere else or look slightly different.
If a butterfly farts in Topeka, or a bat catches a cold in China… it’s not the fault of the place. The place is Earth. And if we don’t protect it, all of us, and help each other to be safe… Darwin won’t feel sorry for us.
Maybe we are about to finally realize that this planet is small. And that we are all neighbors!
Most Americans have no idea how dependent we are on our brothers and sisters around the world, because we’ve been brainwashed by our government. We think they stole our jobs, when the reality is that we use cheap labor to prop up our standard of living.
If you live in America, do you ever happen to think about who makes your smartphone, your clothes, your antibiotics. If you were stripped of everything not made here, you’d be naked, sick, and alone.
Will Aliens have to land on our planet before we realize we are all Earthlings?
Stay healthy and safe and be grateful for all the hero’s of health care and science who are passionate about saving our asses.
Bob Rivers
PS. The following is a hobby, not a business. Some of you may remember that Lisa and I have raised chickens, been beekeepers, and for the last 5 years made Maple Syrup here in Vermont.
Here’s the link to get some:
Thanks in advance for your 2020 Syrup orders, and I want to let you know about some changes we are making in light of Covid-19
In the past, I’ve kept up with orders by shipping roughly 6-12 packages at a time… which takes up to half a day from taping and making boxes, pulling jugs, wrapping in packing materials, entering customers into click and ship, printing postage labels, then loading and unloading to the USPS. Believe it or not, all done by hand, by me personally.
That’s the shipping. The boiling is another story…
My hobby partner, Hank Prouty, a lifelong Vermonter, along with his brother Rich, and I sometimes go at it till 4 am. That’s when my alarm clock used to go off. From gathering sap, to repairing lines, to daily cleaning, and maintaining all of the Sugar House equipment, it’s non stop.
But this year is different. Because of Coronavirus, Hank and Rich are no longer here. Lisa and I are sheltering in place. Only leaving to get essentials. Plus staying connected to family and friends. And I’m collecting the sap, pumping and boiling by myself. Lots of time to think…
So I have some good news, and a favor to ask.
First the good news. Maple Syrup is the most sterilized product on Earth. You make it by boiling sap for hours. And it’s bottled at 185 degrees. And I’ll be packing it into USPS flat rate boxes using hospital gloves. Plus, they will sit for at least a few days, then the US Post office will bring them to you. You get my drift. Wipe the outside of the box with Purell if you want… but I’m packing these the same way for you as my stepmom and grandchildren.
The favor to ask is that you please be patient on the shipping, as it’s just me. The season should end in the next week to 10 days, and I won’t be able to pack until then, meaning syrup should go out sometime after the first week in April (possibly sooner).
Thanks for listening to our podcasts. It feels great to stay connected for the pure fun of it. Please tell your friends.
Stay safe, in touch with loved ones, and wash those hands.
Bob Rivers

Bob Rivers
Radio Host from age 14 to Present. Currently blogging, planning to launch a new radio show later this year.
Listen to 30 years worth of Twisted Tunes at
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Ask me anything via my contact form.
And please help support small local agriculture and latest money losing hobby by purchasing some of Bob and Lisa’s Vermont Maple Syrup.