Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


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Facebook is Like Sausage

Facebook is Like Sausage

You probably don't want to know what's in it. I've probably spent a few hundred dollars in a decade, boosting a few posts to see how well they would do. If you've not thought about how Facebook makes its money, they like it that way. Everything they do is...

Content is King

Content is King

It should be obvious to anyone who's really paying attention that Trump is getting the hang of it. He's a gifted reality television host, who happens to be President. And I'm not going to talk about politics. There are plenty of channels filled with talking heads who...

King Trump

King Trump

Every commentator must have moments like this. It was 6 years ago I wrote the last Twisted Tune, "King Trump". It was Spike's idea. We haggled over lyrics as we always do, Spike wanted a hit piece, I was hoping to describe just how he'll win and do great things! I...



I don't like to haggle. It stresses me out because I've been lucky to make a good living. I sometimes feel cheap looking for bargains, and worse when I have to dicker. But there I was, at a Tire Warehouse again. Our Toyota Tacoma pickup wore out its original tires...

Christmas in June

Christmas in June

It was June of 1993. We decorated for Christmas twice that year. Andrew was 8 years old, Keith 10, when I recorded a conversation with them about Santa Claus. I had to turn in my Christmas Album to Atlantic Records sometime in June so the LP’s and…

Audio: Bob Rivers’ Kids (Andrew/Keith) on Santa Claus

Bob Rivers sits down with an 8-year-old Andrew Rivers and 10-year-old Keith Rivers to discuss Santa Claus. Ref Post: Christmas in June   Radio Host from age 14 to Present. Currently blogging, planning to launch a new...

It Ain’t All Bad

It Ain’t All Bad

If your 2008 self got into a time machine, would you think that 2018 was a true story or fiction? One thing I've noticed is that in this era of lightning-fast opinions, everyone is playing to appeal to social media. Think about that. Howard Schulz might run for...

That Didn’t Take Long

Poor old media companies. They can't win. Even when they do. ABC pretends to take the high ground on Roseanne Barr by ending a number one rated comedy for words said by an actor everyone knows is a jerk. Roseanne's still rich, she'll be fine. Everyone who worked on...

Due Process

Due Process

Roseanne says she was Ambien tweeting. As a morning radio host and longtime insomniac with a legit prescription, I can not tell you if that's true. But I can say it's possible. Yet it doesn't matter. Like it or not, we live in a new era of justice. Instant trial by...

Down with Critics

Down with Critics

Lately, Lisa and I have been going to the movies without reading reviews. She shocked me Friday night by bringing me to see Solo! A Star Wars prequel! I didn't even know that's what we were seeing. I just said "You pick any movie, I'm there." I've gone to hundreds of...

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Steve Fossen, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Bassist and founding member of Heart is still touring and playing all over the country, with his soul mate Somar Macek. Heart [...]

Tom Evans Krause, Jon Kasprick and Charlie Harger join Bob to chat about creation & history of Green River College's radio station, KGRG-FM - celebrating 35 years of their 'Today's [...]

Bob and BJ have been best friends and Trekkies for over 20 years. BJ is still bummed that 'The Bob Rivers Show - KZOK' beat 'BJ Shea - KISW' for [...]


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