Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


(31 customer reviews)
Chinese Recession

Chinese Recession

Question: why did China shut down its stock market after only a half hour? Answer: Because a Chinese stock market crash is not very filling. You swallow a 7% decline, and a half hour you’re hungry for another one. Ba-da Bump! Don’t everybody groan at once. Next...



What goes up, Must come down. Spinning wheel, Got to go round. So when China devalues its currency it means we keep getting cheap Ultra High Definition TV’s and Smartphones… The only stock to go up today out of all the Dow Jones Industrials: Walmart. Low Prices Every...

Plus Shipping & Handling

Plus Shipping & Handling

Watched the Evening News today. I usually don’t, because I’m not quite 70 years old yet. There seemed to be more infomercials than ever. There was a cool looking leather clad wallet for only $19.99 (plus $7.99 shipping and handling). But wait, if you order now you get...

Snow Fun

Snow Fun

When I was a kid I loved snow. It was exciting and beautiful outside. But the truth is there was a chance school might be cancelled. That was like the chance of a mini Christmas. No school was pure joy. Not sure why I hated school so much, now that I don’t have to go…...

Dunkin vs Starbucks

Dunkin vs Starbucks

Visiting family in New England. Had a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. Had to stop drinking it halfway through because I was too buzzed. This got me wondering. Are my Grande Quad Nonfat Sugar Free Vanilla Lattes less potent than a cup ‘a joe from Dunkins?

Feel Like a Little Kid

Feel Like a Little Kid

Had fever, congestion and chills all night so I’m calling in sick to school. And I’m the teacher! Those who know me know it takes a lot for me to call it n sick. I feel guilty anytime I can’t do something I’ve committed to. So why am I writing this short blog that no...

Black Friday

Black Friday

Lisa and I are downsizing. Why is it so hard? It feels like we have been squirrels storing nuts for years. And I can remember wanting each and every delicious acorn. Letting go of stored treasure means either “I’m done with this and it’s just taking up space” or worse...

So it Begins….

So it Begins….

Since leaving the radio on August 8, 2014, I’ve been telling myself I will start a blog. After 33 years of presenting a morning radio show, it felt great to take a break from commentary and humor on a schedule. But I have missed sharing my thoughts publicly. If the...

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

Bob is joined by his sons Keith and Andrew Rivers, alongside longtime friend and radio sidekick Spike O’Neil. Together, they dive into stories of family, community, and courage as Keith [...]

Bob hosts a behind-the-scenes tour of his Vermont maple syrup operation as they prepare for their 10th season of production. Joined by author Steve Stockman and syrup maker Hank Prouty, [...]

Aloha from Honolulu! In this special episode, recorded from my birthplace in Hawaii, I catch up with my longtime friend, Spike O’Neill! (Recorded a couple days before Thanksgiving… just now [...]


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