I root for Trump the way I root for a five-year-old not to screw up a piano recital.
I know that doesn’t sound like a compliment. And its not. But it is an admission. That if you set the bar lower, it’s easier to jump over it. If a kid in kindergarten plays Fur Elise without making a mistake, he’s a prodigy.
Trump is a prodigy.
With no record of public service and more negative press than any candidate in history, he aced the test. He beat every qualified public servant he ran against. He overcame sex scandals, mocking the handicapped, blatant race-baiting; even claimed he could “stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.”
You see, he instinctively understands what motivates us. The desire to be heard! He knows how to push the buttons of the status quo, and brag that he’s getting away with it. His enemies are the secret to his popularity.
Have you noticed how Trump still needs Hillary?
We’d all like North Korea to end it’s nuclear program. It could just be a head-fake, but Kim Jong Un and Trump are talking about a sit-down.
Wouldn’t it be odd if they did so for the viral popularity? For the bright spotlight of fame? Who cares about the outcome? The ratings would be huge.
Obviously, I’m not a Trump supporter. But I don’t blame my friends who voted for him. They were sick and tired of being politely managed by smooth-talking bureaucrats. And my liberal friends were perfect targets with their smug holier than thou attitude. And it’s only 8 years max. Unless there’s an indictment or a recession. Stay tuned, there will be many plot twists.
Our elections had already turned into a media popularity contest. Trump delivered unprecedented ratings. That’s why he won. You could blame Comey of the Russians if you want but you know that’s a cop-out. Get over it. You want TSA to screen Facebook posts and email? Of course not. We’re globally connected now.
If you believe in free speech, and that all men are created equal, good luck building a WALL around the internet.