
by | Apr 24, 2018 | 0 comments

Ain’t no big deal. It runs in my family. 3 of my sisters have had it already.

Today is my other eye’s turn to go under the knife. And yeah, they’ll make me barely conscious with some Fentanyl again.


If you don’t know., they remove the cloudy lens in your eye and replace it with an artificial lens. Suddenly you see bright colors again! But your original equipment, the lens you were born with, is gone.

It’s a strange feeling knowing that your physical body has parts that are wearing out and that sooner or later you’ll be done with this host. Maybe in 50 or 100 years, they will figure out how to keep you running indefinitely.

I can’t imagine what the copay for immortality will be.

I have not started Westworld season 2 yet. But the critics are raving about it. If you like your science fiction dark and loaded with moral dilemmas, you should watch. It’s about a theme park where artificially intelligent human-like robots exist for our pleasure. For a price, you can live out any fantasy. Be friends. Have sex, hang out, fight, even rape and kill. After all, it’s just like a video game. You can’t hurt an Android. Or can you?

Just like Star Trek predicted doors that open with a swoosh, and everybody is walking around with communications devices…. this show is a glimpse into what is fiction for now, but not for long. Remember Data from Star Trek Next Gen? He’s almost a reality.

Artificial Intelligence is going to grow so fast; we won’t know what hit us. Part of why we won’t know is that we aren’t paying attention. And forget about robots, we’re well on our way to growing flesh in a lab.

Is there a possibility that we will build machines that have consciousness? Westworld ponders that idea. What do you think?

Whether you say no, or yes, I’d love to know your logic. If no, perhaps you believe that which makes us sentient beings must come from a higher power. Call it God or Karma or The Force if you want.

But if you believe science will someday make artificial beings… as easy as they replace knees and hips and a cloudy lens, then how long before we can build a superior being? One that fixes itself. One that is so complex it evolves into having feelings. Could it be considered alive?

Did you see the story about the robot that can assemble IKEA furniture? Ha!

You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet.



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