Since leaving the radio on August 8, 2014, I’ve been telling myself I will start a blog.
After 33 years of presenting a morning radio show, it felt great to take a break from commentary and humor on a schedule. But I have missed sharing my thoughts publicly.
If the World seems like a F$&@’ Up place, because you are reading about terrorist attacks, and empty headed celebrities, and candidates talking out of 2 orifices simultaneously… Remember that compared to the roughly 7.3 Billion earthlings who mostly play by the rules and love their friends and family, the percentage of nut jobs and murderers is way lower than the amount of attention they get.
Why? Having been in media for a living I will tell you. We got paid to hold your attention, and Drama does that best!
Yes, sad things happen that need to be reported and thought about by all. And sure we’d love more of the drama to be the happy entertainment kind with jokes and great characters. But that’s hard work.
Complaining and pointing out danger is low hanging fruit.
But what if just for today, we imagine how many smiles, acts of kindness, loving gestures, loyal friends, dedicated people working hard, and beautiful supportive relationships will not make the news cycle.
I’m guessing at least 7 billion people are awesome folks you’d love to have pie with!
So I will jump off this diving board and say: Happy Thanksgiving to all! Do or say something nice today. In person, if you can.