Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


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The Big Scoop

The Big Scoop

Keep Digging. Get the Story. If that's not the most important mission of the press, what is? Conventional wisdom was that journalists hold our leaders accountable. They are also the curators who prioritize what is newsworthy, and what is fluff. I've said since 2016...

The Big Picture

The Big Picture

Some days I just want to take a deep breath and thank the Universe for having me. Ever do that? When you think about it, we're only here for a short time. Modern humans evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old....

Obama Comedy Scholarship

Obama Comedy Scholarship

A little more than 9 years ago, my son Andrew and I were sitting at the kitchen table discussing his job prospects (or more accurately, his lack thereof). He was 23, had delivered pizza, worked for 5 minutes at a PR firm, and a few other minimum wage stints not worth...



Fame used to be for the very few. But today it is mass produced and bestowed on anyone who wants it. And just about everyone does. This is a very new phenomenon. The value of social media companies has passed 500 billion dollars and climbing Over 80% of the US...

Michelle Wolf

Michelle Wolf

If you can’t stand the heat... don’t go to the White House Correspondents dinner. Trump didn’t. Depending on your politics, Michelle Wolf is either a Star or, she’s Deplorable. It doesn’t matter. She’s raw meat for our ADHD media. Fox immediately started calling her...

Don’t take the Bait

Don’t take the Bait

I didn't take offense. But it was clearly race baiting. And it worked. Like a charm. From It was the April 3rd episode. Roseanne Barr is scared awake by one of Dan's loud snores, and she realizes the two have overslept. "Dan! You're snoring, wake up!"...

Lana Jones

Lana Jones

There are people you meet when you are young who set an example. If you're lucky, they are people of great character. I hit the Lotto. Three times, at least. Integrity. Intelligence. Kindness. Empathy. Determination. Goal driven. No Bullshit. I had a boss who was the...

Why I’m Rooting For Trump

Why I’m Rooting For Trump

I root for Trump the way I root for a five-year-old not to screw up a piano recital. I know that doesn't sound like a compliment. And its not. But it is an admission. That if you set the bar lower, it's easier to jump over it. If a kid in kindergarten plays Fur Elise...



Ain't no big deal. It runs in my family. 3 of my sisters have had it already. Today is my other eye's turn to go under the knife. And yeah, they'll make me barely conscious with some Fentanyl again. Cataracts. If you don't know., they remove the cloudy lens in your...

4/20 Should Be A National Holiday

4/20 Should Be A National Holiday

I've never smoked legal pot. The last time it passed through my lips it was contraband. October 31, 1989. That's also the last day I drank an alcoholic beverage. How weird is it that a recreational drug that is against Federal Law to possess or distribute is a booming...

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

Bob is joined by his sons Keith and Andrew Rivers, alongside longtime friend and radio sidekick Spike O’Neil. Together, they dive into stories of family, community, and courage as Keith [...]

Bob hosts a behind-the-scenes tour of his Vermont maple syrup operation as they prepare for their 10th season of production. Joined by author Steve Stockman and syrup maker Hank Prouty, [...]

Aloha from Honolulu! In this special episode, recorded from my birthplace in Hawaii, I catch up with my longtime friend, Spike O’Neill! (Recorded a couple days before Thanksgiving… just now [...]


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