What goes up, Must come down. Spinning wheel, Got to go round. So when China devalues its currency it means we keep getting cheap Ultra High Definition TV’s and Smartphones… The only stock to go up today out of all the Dow Jones Industrials: Walmart. Low Prices Every Day. Where do they get their goods? China. Ka-ching!
If I had life to do over again I don’t think I’d change much. But if I had it to do over again and I wanted to instead of being just well off, be really rich, I would have gone into banking. The House always wins. It seems like not long ago my Canadian friend was laughing about the silly USA and our recession and housing market crash. They experienced no such thing. One US dollar would only buy 98 cents Canadian. That was just a little over 2 years ago. Today it’s $1.41 You won’t see as many Loonies at Trader Joes as you did in 2013.
Talkin bout your troubles, And you, you never learn. Ride a painted pony, Let the spinning wheel turn…