When I was a kid I loved snow. It was exciting and beautiful outside. But the truth is there was a chance school might be cancelled. That was like the chance of a mini Christmas. No school was pure joy. Not sure why I hated school so much, now that I don’t have to go… I teach college classes and long to spend more time learning. Why? I’m old enough that I don’t need skills for a career. In theory I could just spend my time enjoying entertainment and the outdoors. One is sedentary. The other is beautiful and peaceful and the exercise makes up for the couch potato time. A nice healthy balance. But for some reason I now crave knowing more, and the process of pushing my brain. Is that exercise of the neurological kind? And I love seeing others grow in their life’s journey without me having the responsibility of doing their work. In a way that’s like watching a movie about climbing Mt Everest without having to do the actual climbing.

Snow Fun
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