Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


(31 customer reviews)
Remembering Richard Simmons

Remembering Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons was as kind and caring a human being as you will ever meet. Easily one of the greatest guests you could have on any show, whether it was The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson or our little radio program. He literally worked his butt off in the service of...

Vermont Maple Syrup – 2024!

Vermont Maple Syrup – 2024!

It’s Maple Syrup season, and we still love Vermont! "Got kind of tired packing and unpackingTown to town and up and down the dialMaybe you and me were never meant to beBut baby think of me once in awhileI'm at WKRP in Cincinnati?" I’m a nomad. Can’t sit still in one...

A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down

A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down

Greetings fellow Earthlings… I've been a bit of a Hermit for a few months, underwent some chemotherapy, which pretty much sapped all energy. But if you see me on Facebook, where everyone presents the spin that life is great, you would not know that. Which is an...

The ‘Old White Men’ Dilemma

The ‘Old White Men’ Dilemma

I have missed you… it does seem I enjoy the recorded live conversation more than writing. Writing is hard, and I'm always second guessing and even 37th guessing myself. So I'll keep this brief and hit "send' before I have time to think about it. I'm a little bummed...

Vermont Maple Syrup – 2023!

Vermont Maple Syrup – 2023!

Sweet People, A year ago, I wasn't sure I'd be around. Lisa and I moved to Las Vegas to be closer to family, take desert walks in the sunshine, see every great concert we could, and deal with a serious health challenge. We said goodbye to the farm, and farewell to...

Good News and Gratitude

Good News and Gratitude

As many of you know, 2022 has been a challenging year with lots of changes. During maple syrup season, I kept my health challenges private. Making Maple Syrup in the sugar house and recording the Bob and Zip Podcast were my happy places. At times, I was in bed up to 18 hours a day, being cared for by Lisa

Alan White

Alan White

I first met Alan White in person about 25 years ago. But I first saw him in concert 44 years ago. I had been a Yes fan since high school. I saw them in the round on September 3rd or 4th of 1978 in New Haven Coliseum in Connecticut. Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Alan White & Rick Wakeman.

Two Weeks After Surgery

Two Weeks After Surgery

It’s pretty hard for me to be quiet or sit still. At all. Constant communication and constant motion have been the norm for so long. And even though I’ve just had major surgery I feel guilty. For the people I haven’t had time to thank or reach out to. For missing the podcast and my Saturday radio show with Ed and Zip. For not yet congratulating Spike on his enjoyable performance filling in on KIRO FM with Curley

Bi-Coastal. A New Beginning for Bob and Lisa

Bi-Coastal. A New Beginning for Bob and Lisa

Well it’s day five since my surgery. An Ivor Lewis esophageal resection performed by the head of thoracic surgery at Virginia Mason hospital here in Seattle. Esophageal Cancer, stage 3c. If you google this like I did when first diagnosed, you start to think about...

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Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

A random email from a Twisted Tunes fan a few years ago has evolved into a personal friendship with one of the most interesting, entertaining, and intelligent people I have [...]

Bob Rivers and Steve Stockman dig in with a very interesting scientist. Dan Ariely is a Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. has been one of our [...]

If you love The Grateful Dead, Cannabis, and Psychedelic experiences, you should enjoy Bob, Ed, and Andrew talking about what may be the Greatest Concert On Earth. I talked my [...]


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