You can’t see it all.
You can’t know it all.
You can’t subscribe to everything.
There is so much at our fingertips, that the biggest challenge choosing what to spend our time doing. And it’s hard to know when to say when.
Do I even want to find out how many hours I will stare at my iOS screen in 2018? I wonder if there is an app that can give a daily total in minutes (kind of like the opposite of Fitbit?) Place your bets. I’m searching now.
Yes, it exists. Every time I wonder if there’s an app for something, there always is. This particular app you can customize to give detailed reports of how you spend time with your beloved device.
It’s called “Moment.”
Moment tracks how many minutes you’re on the phone every day, along with how many times you unlock it. You can set your own limit on phone usage, and the $4.99 iPhone app will send you a notification when you’ve reached the threshold. It’s 4.5 out of 5 stars with over 4,000 reviews. The App claims it can help you get your life back.
Does it count itself, I wonder?
There’s another one called “Checky.” It only tracks how many times you unlock your phone. Twice as much as you think.
Remember when television was labeled “The Boob Tube?” People watched for hours and hours daily. Some still do. Television has come of age, especially if you can afford premium channels. It’s now a fertile ground for history, culture, drama, comedy, news, and sports. And it’s finally unbundled.
But again.
You can’t see it all.
You can’t know it all.
You can’t subscribe to everything.
Buy a package from Hulu. Apple TV. Amazon. Netflix. And many others. All you can eat.
The more there is, the less we have in common. Audiences are fragmented.
That’s one reason politics is coming on strong. It makes us part of a huge fan base. We choose sides. Shirts or skins? And we get locked into the game. We feel like we have a purpose.
But we forget it’s just a game. A game played mostly by others, and it’s about stirring up our emotions. It can be intoxicating. Know when to say when.
Life at its best is enjoyed face to face in real time with people you really like.

Bob Rivers
Radio Host from age 14 to Present. Currently blogging, planning to launch a new radio show later this year.
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And please help support small local agriculture and latest money losing hobby by purchasing some of Bob and Lisa’s Vermont Maple Syrup.