Bob Rivers’ Blog

Bob & Lisa’s

Vermont Maple Syrup


(31 customer reviews)
Hawaii is Not On Fire

Hawaii is Not On Fire

I was born there. In Honolulu, 1956. I have the Kenyan birth certificate to prove it. I didn't return until we were living in Seattle, and I was about 35. It's an amazing place. Hard to believe it is part of the United States, really. Until you read history. Hawaii...

Howard Stern

Howard Stern

I was mentioned on his show today. I got a text from my brother Richard: "Howard Stern mentioned you a bunch this morning." Huh. Hope he ripped on me. "Not really. Talking about Hall of Fame thing." Thx. I'll have to get a clip of that. "He rips on the National Radio...

Audio: Bob Rivers’ mention on Howard Stern Show

As referenced in Bob's post:   Howard Stern talks about Bob Rivers as a 2018 National Radio Hall of Fame nominee   Radio Host from age 14 to Present. Currently blogging, planning to launch a new radio show later this...

TV is Dead. Long Live Video.

TV is Dead. Long Live Video.

I can't tell you the last time I watched a TV commercial. Maybe it was the Super Bowl. Lisa and I binge on Netflix, Amazon, Showtime or HBO. No commercials there. And there's a virtual buffet of great programs. We will never catch up. Even though Comcast is our cable...

Could LSD be the next Medicinal?

Could LSD be the next Medicinal?

If fake news were an actual thing, instead of a political cliche, I'd doubt the story I read today in the Wall Street Journal. I used to subscribe, but I canceled because it was just too expensive - and the Washington Post and New York Times have adjusted their...

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place

Lisa and I went to see this movie tonight. It's hard for us to agree on a motion picture these days. She doesn't like the 3 S's. Sequels, Superheroes, Spaceships. And the more a movie is hyped, the more skeptical we both become. That rules out about half of what's in...

This Magic Moment

This Magic Moment

You can't see it all. You can't know it all. You can't subscribe to everything. There is so much at our fingertips, that the biggest challenge choosing what to spend our time doing. And it's hard to know when to say when. Do I even want to find out how many hours I...

Feedback – 05.08.2018

Feedback – 05.08.2018

Thanks for your feedback... I read them all and try to respond when I can. Will pass on a few responses once a week or so. Let me know if you wish to be anonymous, and feel free to pontificate and not be anonymous. If you missed any of these pieces, you can visit...

The Nerve of Ebay

The Nerve of Ebay

Got a strange pitch from eBay today. A warning that the Supreme Court is going to force online businesses to start collecting state sales tax! What a great idea. It's a little late don't you think? Now that malls all over America have closed, or are on life support....

Simple Concepts

Simple Concepts

I've been thinking about a few subjects not taught when I was in grade school, that would have been nice to know. The most obvious hole in the curriculum was money. There was a course called home economics, but that was for girls. I think it also covered cooking and...

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Bob's Podcasts

Bob, Spike & Joe
The Bob Rivers Show - Podcast

Bob is joined by his sons Keith and Andrew Rivers, alongside longtime friend and radio sidekick Spike O’Neil. Together, they dive into stories of family, community, and courage as Keith [...]

Bob hosts a behind-the-scenes tour of his Vermont maple syrup operation as they prepare for their 10th season of production. Joined by author Steve Stockman and syrup maker Hank Prouty, [...]

Aloha from Honolulu! In this special episode, recorded from my birthplace in Hawaii, I catch up with my longtime friend, Spike O’Neill! (Recorded a couple days before Thanksgiving… just now [...]


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