
by | May 1, 2018 | 0 comments

Fame used to be for the very few. But today it is mass produced and bestowed on anyone who wants it. And just about everyone does.

This is a very new phenomenon.

The value of social media companies has passed 500 billion dollars and climbing Over 80% of the US Population participates.

And that’s just in the United States.

Worldwide there are about 2.7 Billion people in the human soup, as I like to call it. A swirling mass of sharing and showing off.

This shift from a small number of performers playing to large audiences to virtually every human performing for an audience is staggering.

What is fame? The dictionary definition: To be known and talked about by lots of people.

So, what’s “A lot of people?”

Good question.

If a dozen people comment on a Facebook post, it feels great. Why?

Judith Glasier, from Psychology today:

“There is a part of the brain that activates when we meet people. It’s called the “like me/not like me” part of the brain or the Rostromedial Prefrontal Cortex. When we think people are like us the RPC lights up and we connect easily. It’s like looking in the mirror and seeing more of ourselves — and we are comfortable. However, there is another part of our brain that has a bigger impact on us — and one that explains deep connection. This part of the brain is called the Temporoparietal Junction or the TPJ. This part of our brain is activated when we share with others — and sharing trumps everything.”

When I was on the radio we might have a cumulative audience of a half million people or more during a typical workweek. In morning drive we could be speaking to 90,000 people at any given moment. And they were all anonymous.

The numbers mattered to the boss, but we were speaking as if to one person. If you were listening, we were talking to you.

One last thing about Fame.

When you put yourself out there, you’ll are vulnerable. You may have a following of friends that really do like you, but the larger the group, the more hecklers you’ll have.

That’s why I don’t write this blog on Facebook.

I don’t have to block or unfriend anyone. And I write as if I am talking to a friend.

That is you.



Image: Gil Zetbase, David Bowie-Gil Zetbase, Cropped, CC BY-SA 4.0

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