It was June of 1993. We decorated for Christmas twice that year.
Andrew was 8 years old, Keith 10, when I recorded a conversation with them about Santa Claus. I had to turn in my Christmas Album to Atlantic Records sometime in June so the LP’s and Cassettes would be mastered, manufactured, and distributed in time for the holidays. I had a hunch they had their doubts about Santa, but until this conversation, I wasn’t sure.
I sat them down to chat in front of a microphone.
It’s hard to believe that 25 years have passed. But it has. Andrew is 33. Keith, 35. Andrew is a Stand Up Comic and Keith is a film director. And if you spend 90 seconds listening to the attached clip, you might have the same spooky feeling I did that these guys were already a comic and a director then.
In January of 2009, Andrew began his comedy career. He performed at hundreds of open mic nights in his first year. We went to Las Vegas to see Terry Fator. I asked Terry’s head writer, who also wrote for Blue Collar Comedy if he would give Andrew a few tips. We had breakfast. I remember him looking Andrew directly in the eye, saying “The odds are great that one year from now, you won’t be doing this anymore!”
It’s considered an unwritten rule that it takes 10 years to find your voice in stand up. In other words, you can become a brain surgeon in less time than it takes to be a successful comedian.
It’s the scariest thing I can imagine. When you die onstage, you die alone and rejected. You pick yourself right back up. And you keep chipping away at it, staying positive, with very low pay, year after year.
It might not be fair to make a comparison to Navy Seal Training, but that’s not stopping me. Most quit. They can’t take the pressure.
Andrew didn’t quit.
He recorded his first comedy special last Fall, for a group called AngelVid. And they’ve posted 4 clips on Facebook over the past month or so. He’s amassed over 4 MILLION VIEWS, so far, and climbing.
Now when I randomly speak with friends all over the country, unprompted, they all say something like “Wow, your son has gotten quite good. He’s hilarious!”
I knew him when he was funny 25 years ago. Now you will too.

Bob Rivers
Radio Host from age 14 to Present. Currently blogging, planning to launch a new radio show later this year.
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And please help support small local agriculture and latest money losing hobby by purchasing some of Bob and Lisa’s Vermont Maple Syrup.