If you can’t stand the heat… don’t go to the White House Correspondents dinner.
Trump didn’t.
Depending on your politics, Michelle Wolf is either a Star or, she’s Deplorable. It doesn’t matter. She’s raw meat for our ADHD media. Fox immediately started calling her remarks “Deplorable!”
Oh, the irony.
Meanwhile, the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is fixing North Korea as his gift to the world. And we are taking it seriously, because it may be real. Kim Jong Un is envious of Trump. He’s amassing Twitter followers and taking selfies planting a tree with His new BFF, South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
You can’t make this shit up.
It’s no wonder Michelle Wolf had to go all out to “pxxxx-grab” a few minutes in the news cycle.
“It’s 2018, and I am a woman, so you cannot shut me up — unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000. Michael, you can find me on Venmo under my porn star name, Reince Priebus. Reince just gave a thumbs up. Okay.”
If you aren’t willing to watch the whole thing you might as well acknowledge you’re happy to live in your brainwashed echo chamber. Because the sanitized clips don’t tell the whole story.
Yes, she targeted Trump more than anyone. You’re supposed to attack those in power. But she took aim everywhere. The Press. Democrats, even #MeToo.
Newspapers, Zap! “There’s a lot of print media here. There’s a ton of you guys, but I’m not going to go after print media tonight because it’s illegal to attack an endangered species.”
Hillary, Pow! “It is kind of crazy that the Trump campaign was in contact with Russia when the Hillary campaign wasn’t even in contact with Michigan. It’s a direct flight; it’s so close.”
#MeToo, Zowee! “I’ve never really been sexually harassed. That being said, I did work at Bear Stearns in 2008. So, although I haven’t been sexually harassed, I’ve definitely been fucked. Yeah, that whole company went down on me without my consent. And no men got in trouble for that one either.”
My point here is that it was an equal opportunity shredding. But that’s not how it will be reported. Each side will take the points they can use, to grab your attention.
If you believe in both the First Amendment and the Second, as I do, please note Michelle was not a comedic “pistol”. She was the First Amendment equivalent of the AR15.
And the safety was off.
It wasn’t a roast. It was a flamethrower. Comedians say they “killed” after a good performance. But that usually means the crowd was happy. And happy is not the right word here. They were uneasy.
I was on the fence while watching. Much of it made me uncomfortable. It was a scorched earth takedown. I wish we lived in more polite times, but we don’t.
But it was very well thought out. It’s hard to admit this, as I’m reasonably well read. Some of it was over my head.
Take the supposed take-down of Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her looks. It actually wasn’t there, even though I heard it that way.
Here’s the transcript:
“I have to say I’m a little starstruck,” Wolf joked as she compared Sanders to “The Handmaid’s Tale” character Aunt Lydia.
“I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful,” Wolf said. “She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
“I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” the comedian continued. “Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is it Cousin Huckabee? Is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?”
Was she being shamed for her looks? I thought so. But while implied, this was not the crude cheeseburger takedown that Saturday Night Live was rightly called out on.
She used a brutal metaphor, but Wolf actually complements Sarah’s eyes. Perfect smokey eyes are beautiful. And her scowl really does resemble Aunt Lydia. I assumed Aunt Lydia was an attack on Sarah’s looks, as did many. But when I google imaged her, I saw the same scowl the Sarah uses to deflect questions.
This comedienne knew where our minds would erroneously go! Touché. She knew what she was doing. We conflated this with one bad SNL joke. This was very sharp writing.
We are all so easily played.
Social Media and all media today for that matter is about preying on your emotional reactions. Michelle Wolf did that and handed the blogosphere what it craves.
Your emotional reactions.
Thank you for reading, and forwarding to friends who might enjoy a different take.
Your thoughts are always appreciated.